CSR is one of the founding members of The Strategic Board for Skills Advancement. The strategic board is a committee of training providers, employers, and professional bodies. The ultimate goal of the board is to connect the country’s workforce with scientific and healthcare partners to drive growth and resilience in the science sector through high-quality apprenticeships.
The Science Council
The Science Council sets the standards for professional registration for practising scientists and science technicians across all scientific disciplines. Through their licensed bodies, such as the Royal Society of Chemistry and Institute of Biomedical Science, The Science Council admits scientists and science technicians to their registers. The Science Council carries out quality assurance to ensure that applicants for professional recognition meet the competence and conduct requirements and commit to Continuing Professional Development. CSR has worked closely with our apprentices and staff who have used their scientific occupational competence to gain professional recognition.
The Royal Society of Chemistry
CSR has a long-standing relationship with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) over a number of different areas. CSR has a seat on their Professional Standards board, offering our opinions on the standard of the RSC’s professional development frameworks (professional registers), including its code of conduct for their members. We also sit on the vocational accreditation assessor panel, reviewing and assessing applications from training providers hoping to gain accredited status for their laboratory-based apprenticeship programmes.
Capability 360
Capability 360 is a sister company to CSR and provides recruitment, educational and assessment consultancy to employers, EPAO’s, awarding organisations and professional bodies.
Trailblazer Groups
CSR has played an active role in trailblazer groups for a number of scientific and healthcare science standards. The purpose of these employer-led groups is to develop the occupational standards and to revise these standards as and when needed. CSR has a seat at these group meetings and often provides feedback on the performance of the apprenticeship standard, answers delivery-based questions from the employers with apprentices on that particular standard and has contributed to the revision of standards.
University of Oxford
CSR has been training laboratory technicians across multiple departments at the University of Oxford for the past 9 years. Because of this long standing, successful relationship, the University of Oxford has funded CSR’s teacher training apprenticeship programme through their levy transfer programme. In addition to this, CSR has played an active role in the university’s own apprenticeship awards days.