On 22nd November 2022, we held our annual CSR apprentice graduation at Millennium Point in Central Birmingham. It was a day of celebration for our apprentice graduates who all received their certificates of achievement in the presence of their friends, family and line managers. Abbie Vlahakis, the CEO of Millennium Point, opened the ceremony with an introduction to Millennium Point and the importance of STEM in tackling global issues. Thanks to our guest speakers, Rob Watts and Tyler Harvey-Cowlishaw, who both gave inspiring talks to our audience about what apprenticeships meant for them and offering their advice to our apprentice graduates.
We have also taken this opportunity to announce the winners of the CSR values awards (Educate, Inspire, Achieve) to recognise the tireless effort and dedication shown by our staff. It was particularly pleasing that the winners received their awards in front of the apprentice graduates that they have taught. Moreover, we were touched by the nice messages that were posted on the testimonial board on the day.
Congratulations to our apprentice graduates, including those who couldn’t attend, and we wish you all the best of luck for the future!